Example Of Rant Analysis

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I haven't gone on a rant for a while but this POS has pissed me off bigtime. On the 4th of July he burns an American flag and post how he is ashamed of his country. It's a good thing he's not standing in front of me, I'd be the one in jail. I am aiming this rant directly at you POS, you need to be schooled. You've pointed out several problems we have here and you are correct, there is racism, bigotry, police brutality does exist and corruption is running rampant I will not deny this. Are we perfect? NO we are not and we have a long way to go. Now let me tell you what we are.

In the span of 240 years since we established our own government we through a capitalist society have grown to be the strongest nation in the world, we set an example of …show more content…

You speak of the poor, I will assume you've never been out of the country, you haven't really seen poor. Other than some very remote places in this country any child can get help, a lot of the time without asking, every child can get an education at public schools where they will also feed that child. We have a system in effect that strives to care for the less fortunate. I live in an urban area and although there are panhandlers you don't see children begging for food on the streets. There are millions of children that beg for food, eat out of trash cans and garbage dumps around the world, we on the other hand do not. You speak of the mistreatment of women and gays, yes isolated incidents do occur but our government or people do not condone these acts and up until this administration race relations were improving, in this country no matter what race you are your legal rights are the same as anyone elses and don't hand me that crap about being profiled it's bullshit. Don't go walking around hiding your face with a hoodie and your pants hanging off your ass and the police won't think you're a thug. It's common sense

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