Evaluate Approaches To Self-Managed Learning

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1.1 Evaluated approaches to self-managed learning Self managed is type of technique in which an individual learn and gather information from its environment .self managed learning states to a precise learning approach resulting from features of different other approaches including self-development, self-directed and action learning. There are different approaches to self managed learning that an individual can use to develop their skills and knowledge : • Research : An induvial can self managed learning by research at college, university and at work place .An research can be done related to the learning of new skill and knowledge and that will help in improvement in an individual. • Mentoring and coaching: • Seminar and conferences: Seminar are precise …show more content…

And news groups allows the professional ,experts to share their views and ideas related to a particular industry • Use of internet/ and social networks: Internet provides the various information related to a particular field where as social networks allows the professional to join the group of specified industry or field. 1.2 Propose ways in which lifelong learning in personal and professional contexts could be encouraged Learning is a lifelong process and at every stage of life an individual learns new skills and knowledge. There are different ways in personal and professional areas which encourage learning in individual that helps in career growth . an individual should have goals which confirm growth in career and also helps in organisation growth. The growth should activated by a job that provides challenges, broadening goals and also encouraging self-esteem and confidence . Continuing professional development is a type of techniques that helps the individuals or member in continually updating the skills and knowledge as professionally to compete in achieving he right

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