Ethos Pathos Logo And Logo Case Study

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¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬How corporate logo is formed and process?
A logo adds an additional aspect to corporation’s image and it represents a company via the use of a mark, flag, symbol or signature. Therefore, the meaning of a logo is more important than what it looks like. This is because logo’s derive their meaning from the quality of the thing it symbolises so that the logo are there to identity but not to explain. The first thing before a company begin to design a logo, company have to try writing one sentence image and mission statement to help company focus on the efforts. So that company can stay with this mission statement and would not go out of the topic while company creates logo. Besides that, there are some considerations that company …show more content…

Companies must think about how to differentiate theirs logo among their competitors’. Identify the competitor’s logo well such as competitors use solid, conservative images or flashy graphics. It would help companies to create a logo which is different with their competitors and easy recognize by the public. Furthermore, companies also should focus on their message. For instance, companies want to communicate about their company, decide the unique selling point. So companies can make their logo unique in relation to the competitors. This tactics has played an important role in design the logo. It not just make the log become unique but also make it meaningful. Company have to make it clean and functional. This is because a good logo must be easy to reproduce, memorable and special. Icons are better than photographs because icons are explainable because icons are more flexible. Therefore when a company create a logo must be flexible enough and ensure it can be reproduced in black and white. The benefits of produce logo in black and white are it can be faxed and used in black- and –white ad or colour. Besides that, the company name will affect the logo design. For example, the definition of NIKE is the Greek goddess of victory, and its logo known as the ‘Swoosh’, is formed by two simplest curved lines. The NIKE logo represents motion and

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