Ethical Theories Of Gifted And Talented Students

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Our ways have changed over time because of different laws that have been put in place and because of the different social acceptances that our generation has come to have. Under laws, people who are considered to be gifted and talented must have access to a fair and equal education. Under IDEA 2004 and FAPE, all students are able to receive Free and Appropriate Public Education. This is meaning that every student must be given the materials that challenge them academically and encourage them to be the best student that they can be. Because of this law, students who apart of the Gifted and Talented label must receive the education that best fits their abilities. This allows each student to be supported. IDEA 2004 and FAPE have created a different …show more content…

One ethical theory that is related to the Gifted and Talented students is utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is doing what is best for the majority of the people. In a classroom setting, the teacher would do what is best to enhance learning for the middle, and majority, of their class. However, this leaves out students who are above average and are considered to be Gifted and Talented. This leaves these students to be on their own in order to challenge themselves. However, most students will not take it upon themselves to seek out more learning opportunities and instead might direct their time to acting out in class, distracting others, or becoming so bored that they start to fall behind. Obviously, this is something that needs to be fixed. In the past, this was the only option students really had who were Gifted and Talented. Now, with programs in schools and supplementary activities that teachers have, these students are able to succeed. Because of this, the perception that GT students have a disability has come to light and is proven that this is untrue. The perception has indeed changed and students who are Gifted and Talented are viewed as students who are considerably advanced and need support and a curriculum to enhance their academic …show more content…

This label has given students access to higher order thinking classrooms and curriculum and lets students learn in a way that makes sense for them. GT also refers to other concepts other than just academics. For example, a student may be extremely talented in art and music programs, so far advanced that they are considered to be a prodigy. If a student who is talented goes to a school that does not have arts programing, they will not be able to succeed and enhance their abilities. Students should be able to receive the education that they deserve and every child deserves what he or she needs in order to

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