Ethical Issues On Abortion

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There are moral and ethical issues that stem from unplanned and unwanted pregnancy which leads to abortion. Unfortunately abortion is not a topic generally discussed as it does have a negative stigma, socially, culturally, political and religiously therefore there is usually a silence in the matter. With this controversial subject there is a lot of debate on the legality of the abortion and if the foetus has a legal status. Should pregnancy be viewed as part of the women’s body or a separate individual with rights even though the foetus has no say in the matter. Disabilities can impact not only the family, and the families financially but it can also have a negative impact on the long-term economic costs which would have to support the well-being …show more content…

Most likely the children effected by a congenital disease such as down syndrome for example will not grow up to have a long-term job, this may be due to the capacity of learning prior to finding a job, therefore this will impact the have adverse effects on the economy. Abortion may be justified if the women and foetus is separated, the woman would have her own bodily autonomy however the foetus would still have no say in the matter. Another huge argument is that it depends on the mother entirely, if she is able to care for the child that will constantly need special care and medical interventions. In this case, sometimes when a women is pregnant to a child with a congenital disease, it may become life threatening to the mothers health, then she is faced with is she would rather suffer and possibly have this child or to try even though it may result in both of their deaths. Therefore, would it be better for not just the family, but for the economy if there should be a law to enforce the termination of every foetus that is to be expected to have a below average standard of …show more content…

After all, if the chid is born the father would be forced to pay child support or face jail time as this is a law in Australia, however with that being said the fathers don’t have the same physical risks as a pregnant women. Also it is unethical to force women to have a baby that they don’t want and or, have a child they can not care for. In Australia each state has different laws such as Queensland and New south Wales state that abortion is a crime for both the women and the doctor unless the women has serious physical and or mental dangers. In NSW the social and economic factors are also taken into account. In ACT there is not gestation period restriction however the abortion must be provided by a medical doctor, however there are exclusion zones where abortion is not permitted. In south Australia the law states that it is legal if two doctor agree that the women’s physical and or mental health will be endangered by pregnancy or for a serious foetal abnormality and unlawful abortion is a crime. In western Australia abortion is legal for up to 20 weeks’ gestation and some restrictions for under 16s and after 20 weeks’ gestation the abortion would be restricted. In the northern territory abortion is legal to up to 14 weeks and if two doctors agree that the women’s health is endangered by this pregnancy or for a serious foetal abnormality and may be available up to 23 weeks if it in a

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