Ethical Dilemmas In Nursing Essay

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Ethical dilemmas in the practice of nursing are abundant due to the complex, and specific, situation of each and every patient. This is also the case because nurses have the most face-to-face time with the patient, therefore the strongest relationship with the patient. Some of the most controversial ethical dilemmas have to do with autonomy, abortion, and end-of life care. All of the following fall under the umbrella of end-of-life care: euthanasia, rational suicide, refusing treatment, and physician assisted suicide (IN TEXT maybe ). For example, imagine that a seventeen-year-old boy is in the hospital for an incurable cancer. He has fought a hard fight for many years now, and he feels that he is ready to accept the end, but he is a minor
Potential nursing students have three choices when it comes to their education. Students can choose to be a diploma prepared nurse, and associates degree prepared nurse, or a bachelor’s degree prepared nurse. Regardless of which avenue a student chooses, education on ethical dilemmas needs to be a top priority. The majority of nursing school is spent focusing on scientific practice and medical care. This is unquestionably a necessary part of the nursing education, and no time should be taken from learning about these subjects. Equally, a significant amount of time needs to be spent focusing on nurses’ ethical practice. It is absolutely vital that educators in the nursing profession are able to properly mold students into individuals who are able to use their own intellect and creativity to make decisions that will best suit the patient. Subsequently, with the suggestion that more focus needs to be placed on nurses’ ethical practice, more time may be required to receive a nursing degree. Therefore, it may be beneficial for the future of nursing to change the education requirement to at least an associates degree in order to better prepare students on ethical dilemmas. In order to accomplish the task of more ethically mature nurses, more time needs to be spent in the classroom discussing, analyzing, and critically examining how to deal with ethical dilemmas in the nursing

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