Esteban Trueba In Isabel Allende's The House Of The Spirits

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Although throughout most of his time in the novel “The House of the Spirits”, written by Isabel Allende, Esteban Trueba acts as selfish person who for the most part has no respect for people’s lives. Toward the end of the novel through his own reflections, does the good of his presence come out. The goodness that comes out from Esteban’s presence mitigates the bad in his younger years, since he realizes his actions to be selfish and comes to a self-understanding of himself. Despite the fact that Esteban’s connection with his family had many atrocities, the outcomes of his actions do lessen the acts he committed in his younger years. Esteban works to insure that his family is comfortable, one good aspect that comes out of him. Though because …show more content…

During the first part of the novel, Esteban seems apathetic to those around him. His incessant raping of girls at Tres Marias clearly shows that Esteban did not care towards human life and others' feelings. Although his distressed childhood plays a role, his goal of gaining power leads to being a ruthless leader. In addition, he has an to uncontrollable temper that expresses itself every time he realizes that he is unable to control the world around him. Esteban devotes his life to politics, hoping to become rich and powerful. However, by the end of the novel he is not depicted as a one-note character, rather a dynamic character. Esteban considers the past where he continues to display rage, but also understands that loneliness because of the state he put himself into. In his old age, Esteban understands the result of his actions. He feels grief when he becomes aware of how he has helped to promote a dictatorship that is wiping out his entire family line. Although he was a conservative dictator, his grief towards the product of this, shows how much he cares about his family. In the case of Clara, readers feel sympathy towards him when he acknowledges that he has failed Clara. His efforts to redeem this situation are both help redeem himself from the violence that he ensued. This also helps mitigates the bad as he becomes aware of his own selfishness. As he ages, Esteban begins to see the negative outcomes of his violent, selfish actions and becomes increasingly aware of how lonely he is. At the end of his life, Esteban receives redemption, by Clara allowing him to die

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