Essay On Why Marijuana Should Not Be Legalized

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The United States make up laws to keep people safe from dangerous things. For example, they believe Marijuana is dangerous, so it is illegal in most of the states in the U.S. Marijuana is a plant that most people smoke and use for many reasons. The United States should realize that Cannabis, or Marijuana is NOT dangerous and it should be legalized.
Marijuana is a very popular drug in the United States and it is also a very safe drug. There has not been a single death from the use or overdose of Marijuana. People might think that a large amount of THC in your system can kill you, but they are wrong. In 2010, 38,329 people died from drug overdose, and none of those were from smoking cannabis. Also in 2010, 25,692 people died from alcohol related causes. Cigarettes also have a huge risk when you smoke them. There are more than 480,000 deaths annually from smoking cigarettes. Alcohol, prescription drugs and cigarettes are legal and marijuana isn't. These legal drugs kill thousands of people and marijuana has never killed a single person. However, it is still illegal. Makes sense right? …show more content…

People think Marijuana is bad for you and that it is addicting but it actually is not. Marijuana leads to dependence in about 9% of users. Cocaine hooks about 20% and heroin gets about 25% of the users addicted. Above two of the worst drugs, Cocaine and Heroin, Tobacco is the worst. Tobacco makes around 30% of users addicted. Many people also say Marijuana is a gateway drug. This is not true either. One of the biggest arguments is that smoking Marijuana will lead to doing other drugs. As Scientific American points out, the studies that show people who use marijuana first before trying other drugs is just a coincidence. Nearly half the country has tried this drug and it has done no

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