Hemp Essays

  • Hemp Essay

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    Hemp and its multitude of amazing uses Hannah Ison In the last few years, people have started to rediscover hemp and all of its amazing uses. Up until the end of the nineteenth century, hemp was admired for its medicinal and practical properties. This admiration was abandoned by modern pharmacology due to the symbolic role of marijuana in counter-culture; this created a widespread aversion to hemp and the entire cannabis plant. Abuse of cannabis as a drug led to the prohibition of hemp cultivation

  • Hemp Research Paper

    639 Words  | 2 Pages

    Industrial hemp is commonly cultivated for its fiber and seed, which are used to create a wide variety of products, including food, rope, cloth, paper, fuel, building materials, and hygiene products, such as soaps and lotions. Unlike marijuana, which is cultivated for medicinal, and recreational use, hemp is not psychoactive. Hemp differs from marijuana ingrowth structure and farming practice. While marijuana is cultivated primarily for its flowers, hemp is cultivated for its fibers and seeds,

  • Hemp Case Study

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    Hemp was viewed as a threat to several competing industries which caused them to create a smear campaign against hemp. By associating hemp with marijuana and by creating the propaganda film “Reefer Madness” this caused hysteria amongst the population (History of Hemp, n.d.). Hemp prohibition started in the 1930s. Hemp was grouped under the umbrella of marijuana and effectively made illegal under the 1937 Marihuana Tax Act. Furthermore, In 1970 Industrial hemp was classified as marijuana under the

  • Persuasive Essay On Hemp

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    offer, including food, fresh water, clothing, traditional medicine and shelter (drug war facts, Page 1). Hemp should be used as an alternative for trees. In order to better understand hemp as an alternative, we need to know what hemp is, what it’s used for, and where it grows. We also need to learn how it is a good replacement for trees, how it helps animals, and the overall benefits of hemp. In order to save these endangered species and to cut down the need for relying on trees, we need to make

  • Argumentative Essay: The Benefits Of Hemp

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    new groundbreaking data, such as the benefits of hemp plants, harmful effects of cannabis compared to alcohol, and how difficult

  • Cannabis: The Hemp Plant

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    Cannabis: The Hemp Plant Probably one of the oldest plants known to man, Cannabis was cultivated for fiber, food, and medicine thousands of years before it became the "superstar" of the drug culture (Schultes, 1973). Cannabis, as it turns out, not only has many usage's, but has been employed in various ways by different cultures. Linnaeus first classified Cannabis sativa in 1753 as a monotypic species (i.e., one of its kind with respect to its genus). Now, however, this question with regard to

  • Why Should Hemp Be Persuasive Essay

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    medical/drug use of marijuana at all. I am going to talk about hemp. Hemp is a variety of the cannabis plant. It is the world’s longest, strongest, and most durable of all

  • The History of Hemp or Cannabis, Marijuana, Weed, Pot

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    considered, “hemp” to the ancient world. Some are, cannabis, marijuana, weed, and pot. Over time, the different words have reflected the views and uses of hemp through different societies and time periods. Hemp dates back to the early Mesopotamian days in what is considered Turkey today. It is the first known plant to be domestically cultivated. According to research, “The oldest relic of human history is hemp fabric dated to 8,000 BCE.” In 1492, Christopher Columbus brought hemp as a rope to

  • Compare And Contrast Hemp Oil Vs Cbd Oil

    958 Words  | 2 Pages

    Hemp Oil vs. CBD Oil While hemp oil and CBD oil are similar in some ways, there are also important differences between the two. So, how exactly does hemp oil differ from CBD oil? Consumers often confuse hemp oil with CBD oil because both are low in THC. But beyond that there is so much more to each oil and so much more that each oil offers. Today, the hemp retail market continues to grow at an incredible rate. So, it’s crucial that consumers understand the difference between hemp oil and CBD oil

  • The Versatility of Cannabis Sativa

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    C. Yang-Shao of China, era 4500 B.C., used hemp fibers to make rope, nets, and cloth for sails and clothes. Paper artifacts were unearthed later in the graves of Shaanxi Province, dating back to 100 B.C. At a much later date, the Chinese discovered uses for the hemp seed as a food source, much like the use of the soybean today. In the United States, hemp was first grown in Virginia around 1611. About twenty years later, the colonies considered hemp as a legal tender. It was even used to pay

  • Exploring Medical Benefits of CBD Oil

    757 Words  | 2 Pages

    disorders, and even fights tumor and cancer cells. The CBD is extracted is 3 different ways, but they all have their pros and cons. The first way is through the use of carbon dioxide and is know to be the healthiest and safest way to extract CBD from the hemp plant. The second option is the use of alcohol for extraction, which is also known for its health benefits. Last but certainly not least is the use of olive oil. ...

  • Should Marijuana Be Unregulated?

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    began back in the early 1900’s century; when hemp turned into a huge industrial usage because it could turn into, fuel, paper, food, textile, and oil. Soon enough hemp was going to be the next billion-dollar product; it became a threat to several multi-billion dollar markets across the nation. William Randolph Hearst owned a chain of newspaper companies, and used everything in his power to have marijuana outlawed. The real threat against Hearts was because hemp could produce paper much more efficient

  • The Various Purposes of Marijuana

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    scientific name is cannibis sativa, was mentioned in historical manuscripts as early as 2700 B. C. in China. (Grolier Electronic Encyclopedia, 1995). The cultivation of the marijuana plant began as far back as the Jamestown settlers, around 1611, who used hemp produced from the marijuana plant's fibers to make rope and canvas. It was also used in making clothing because of it's durability. These uses fit in with the social climate of the time, because the main focus was on survival rather than for psychoactive

  • Legalizing Recreational Marijuana in the United States

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    The topic of legalizing recreational marijuana in the United States has been a very controversial one. States such as Colorado and Washington have gone on the offensive and have legalized recreational marijuana and have enjoyed the high revenues brought in from cannabis sale. On the other hand other states have kept low profiles because they are wary of the possible negative outcomes of legalizing recreational marijuana and are using the states of Colorado and Washington as guinea

  • Modern Liberalism and Marijuana Legalization

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    they also believe that individual is important. However they believe that it is important to help out the society and those who need help by embracing collectivism. Mode... ... middle of paper ... ...for marijuana would result in the hemp industry to grow. Hemp is known to be a strong fiber than can be made in many things and it can also help the environment. Since liberals are big on reason and being enlighten they will say that there are many studies that show marijuana is a drug that has mixed

  • Pros and Cons of Marijuana

    850 Words  | 2 Pages

    The legalization of marijuana has been a highly debated topic for many of years. Since the first president to the most recent, our nation’s leaders have consumed the plant known as weed. With such influential figures openly using this drug why is it so frowned upon? Marijuana is considered a gateway drug, a menace to society, and mentally harmful to its consumers. For some people weed brings a sense of anxiety, dizziness, or unsettling feeling. Like alcohol, tobacco or any other drug, those chemicals

  • Why is Marijuana Illegal?

    636 Words  | 2 Pages

    history, marijuana has been legal. Its earliest use dates back to 7000 B.C. Marijuana or hemp plants have a vast amount of uses, such as fabric, food, incense, cloth, rope, and much more. In fact, the first law regarding marijuana was a law requiring you to grow hemp as a settler in the new world. The “United States Census of 1850 counted 8,327 hemp “plantations” (minimum 2,000-acre farm) growing cannabis hemp for cloth, canvas and even the cordage used for baling cotton” (Guither, 2013). However

  • Legalization of Marijuana

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    our medical field, economy, and agriculture. Works Cited www.abovetheinfluence.com/facts/drugsmarijuana www.testcountry.org/advantages-of-legalizing-marijuana.htm www.heroinonline.org/HOL www.davidbearmanmd.com/docs/ADHD1.pdf Advances in Hemp Research, by: Paulo Ranalli The Benefits of Marijuana:Physical, Psychological, and Spiritual, by: Joan Bello www.ncn.org/issues/43.12/ganjanomics-bringing-humbolts-shadow-economy-into-the-light?gclid=CMuurevRxaz.CFQ1U7 www.legalizationofmarijuana

  • Marijuana Prohibition: Origins and Modern Impact

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    this tax revenue to help with local education and school construction. School funding was estimated at $35 million in 2015 (The Cannabist). Now far more innovative and practical uses for marijuana is the use of hemp for industrial purposes. The difference between hemp and marijuana is that hemp has tiny amounts of THC (Leaf Science); which means it’s not great for smoking but does however grow huge 11 to 20 feet. This means that the plant fibers, seeds, oils could be harvested to produce a phenomenal

  • Legalize The Weed

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    plant, and if smoked, gives the smoker an euphoric high, but really has much more to offer than just the high. Using marijuana and the growing of hemp are presently illegal in the United States, with the exception of medicinal uses in some states. The legalization of marijuana has many advantages including for simple personal enjoyment, the usage of hemp and its by-products, and medicinal purposes. Why should marijuana be illegal when people just use it to help themselves enjoy their lives more? Tobacco