Essay On Total Quality Management

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1. What is the paper about?
The paper shows that the research has done to improve the performance of the employees through Total Quality Management.
What is Total Quality Management?
“Total Quality management is a management approach followed by the organizations to provide quality products continuously to achieve long-term success through customer satisfaction”.
Total - everyone in the organization is involved in creating and maintaining the quality of the services and products offered.
Quality - the organization through individual and collective actions focuses on meeting customer needs, recognizing that customer perception identifies quality.
Management - in managing the system, the emphasis lies on continuously improving the system in order to achieve the best results.
The paper throughout has avowed about the role of the management to attain quality. The model focused on the mechanism for managers and employers on how to motivate and encourage the workers to achieve high standards there by maximizing the profits of the organization. It states that the employees must be empowered to work according to their ideas and they must be involved in decision making.
Employees must be continuously trained to perform the job with ease, because training increases the employee abilities.
The employees must be recognized according to their performance like promoting them to the higher position and rewarding the employees with something that would excite them thereby it helps to explore their ideas for the development of the organization.
Development is also an important task for the employers to fill the important posts within the company instead of hiring new employees.
Therefore, the employee productiveness in the job and the ac...

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...M was greatest where several conditions prevailed.
• A strong sense of job security was a key element in encouraging acceptance of quality initiatives.
• Training was important, it was not the overall amount which mattered, but the extent to which programs were specifically linked to quality or teamwork.
• Cooperative relationships with employee representatives were an important element in easing the acceptance of TQM. All the case study firms were unionized, and it was found that firms which maintained working relationships with their unions were also the most likely to maintain their quality programs effectively.
• Short-term pressures tended to undermine TQM initiatives. They were of two kinds: production pressures, which made it hard for quality activities to be maintained; and financial pressures, which could reduce the resources for and commitment to TQM.

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