Essay On Therapeutic Cloning

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Cloning is a very important scientific and medical discovery. Therapeutic cloning especially. Therapeutic cloning is the production of stem cells for organ and tissue repair. The stem cells would be provided from an almost exact clone of the person. There are types of cloning that are banned though, such as reproductive cloning (the production of genetically identical individuals) as of 1996, and no cloning is allowed to receive federal/government funding in the United States of America. While some cloning is bad or unrealistic, one type of cloning that should be allowed is therapeutic cloning for medicinal reasons and it needs more money to be researched. Cloning has been a topic of discussion and scientific interest for many years. Research has been conducted on on cloning since the 1880’s. Animal cloning has been very successful, while human cloning has not had the same exact record of success. British biologist John Gurdon in 1962 cloned tadpoles by injecting intestine cells from an adult frog into nucleus lacking eggs. The tadpoles did not survive to adulthood but this discovery paved the way for further interest and research into cloning. Dolly the sheep is another important example of cloning. She was cloned from a somatic cell. Human cloning has been unsuccessful in the past with many lies and fails in experiments. An …show more content…

“Because the stem cells created by human therapeutic cloning are derived from the patients themselves, there can be no problem with immunological rejection, as happens with donor transplants” (Aldridge, 12). Susan Aldridge also wrote in her article about how this would end the ever growing demand versus supply of needed organs for transplants. This wouldn’t be the only problem it solves though. It could also cure diseases such as diabetes and alzheimer's, not temporarily, but completely, to name a few. It would also make large changes to the medical science

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