The Outsiders Movie Analysis

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The changes that the directors made to “The Outsiders” movie were eye opening to fans of the novel, The Outsiders. One of the differences between the two is the fact that Dally’s character and death was not the same as described in the novel. Another difference between the two would be the character’s description and Bob’s roll on drowning Ponyboy. There are some similarities such as the outcome of the church’s fire and the fate of the characters. The film adaption of The Outsiders, share many key points and scenes however, because the film was condensed there are many gaping holes in the plotline.
There are many differences in the novel The Outsiders and the movie “The Outsiders” about Dally's character and his fate. In the novel The Outsiders, Dallas Winston is described as the meanest one in the gang, but Ponyboy describes a decent and different side of him that is not just a careless criminal. In the movie, “The Outsiders”, there weren’t scenes to make Dally look a little more pleasant, it just made Dally look more hateful and mean spirited. It’s a very important difference to point out because if people didn’t read the novel before watching the movie, they would view Dallas Winston as a …show more content…

In the novel of The Outsiders, Dallas Winston is described as a elfish faced, blonde haired, blue eyed seventeen-year-old. Although in the movie of “The Outsiders”, Dallas doesn’t have blonde hair, he has dark brown hair. In the movie, he doesn’t have blue eyes, he has brown eyes. There’s another big difference between the novel and the movie about Bob’s roll in drowning Ponyboy. In the novel, it states that another Soc was the one drowning Ponyboy and Bob was attacking Johnny. Although in the movie, Bob and the other Socs were all drowning Ponyboy. That’s another big difference to point out because it changes the reasons why Johnny killed

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