Essay On The Motorcycle Diaries

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Jason Eugene November 15, 2016 SPN 1121 Cultural Project – The Motorcycle Diaries I would like to begin by letting you know that I knew nothing about Ernesto “Che” Guevara I only saw the cool silhouette of a guy with great hair and breaded as a pop cultural icon on t-shirt sported by the supposedly hipsters and Bob Marley lovers. I think the Motorcycle Diaries film did a wonderful job of giving insight to the character of Ernesto Guevara de la Serna in his youth, without any giving up any hint or knowledge of who he will become. But after doing some research I was able to learn how the good-natured medical student became a highly respected revolutionary leader. Which helped me understand how did this apparently mild-mannered medical student …show more content…

Just turn on the T.V. we speak of revolution with no real conviction, we want change but no idea of what we want changed. Che died fighting to achieve his dream of a better place for all and was willing to take the necessary measure to get it done. For someone starting off knowing nothing about Che I could appreciate his complexity it’s a battle we all deal with. He was a “man” not a saint nor demon just committed to his ideas and was willing to take up arms for them an ultimately die for them. Aside from being educated and intellectual, he truly wanted people rise up out of oppression. As for why he is vilified by others for his brutality, these are necessary steps to ensure the revolution would endure against the formidable power of the United States of America. Just check the fact about how US has never been able to again exploit Cuba or the Cuban people, so as sign of punishment they settle for maintaining an embargo that kept the Cuban people in poverty and systematically halted all progress. This was classic schoolyard bully on a global scale. As for Che, he died with nothing material, but the hope that we would continue the fight against suffering, exploitation and oppression in whatever way we can. As he said: “Be realistic – demand the

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