Essay On Mulholland Drive

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Mulholland Drive, written and directed by David Lynch tells the story of Diane Selwyn, a aspiring actor, as she struggles to advance her acting career. The film is a masterpiece with a story line that is quite complex and sometimes hard to understand. Upon watching the movie the first time, I had no idea that the first half of it was just a dream. Diane, our main character, creates an imagery world in her dream. This dream world represents the life that she wishes she had.
Mulholland Drive is the kind of film that will never be fully understood with only one viewing of it. This film demands to be watched again and again in order to really understand it. For example, before credits of the movie we can see the camera moving into an object. Upon looking closer, it is clear that the object is a pillow, signifying that what’s next is a dream. The main character seen in the first half of the film is Betty, but Betty is actually just Diane imaginary self. We know that because this actor is a very successful aspiring actor. In her dream Diane has created characters in order to fulfill her representations of herself and others. Additionally, Rita is the dream version of Camilla Rhodes that through her dream she made amnesiac, following a fake car accident, so …show more content…

In this film he again has created a tale that is both complex and confusing to watch. What makes his films different is his ability to offer story structure that really makes no sense. Though, this confusion makes the viewer want to understand more and to do that they must really pay close attention to everything that is happening in the film. Also, it is clear that there is much symbolism going on in tis film. For example, the bum we see that scares the living carp out of the man and makes him have nightmares is actually signifying Diane’s evil

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