Essay On The Impact Of Race On Social Work

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Since 1619, when the first slaves were brought to North America, race has played an important role in everyone’s life; especially those who are different from what people would consider “American”. According to the textbook, “race is defined as any group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographical distribution” (pg. 59). People are placed into different categories instead of all being considered human beings. Although we do not have slavery, that we know of, in the United States today, this does not mean that race is still not an issue. However, race in this country has taken a turn over time and has now, “taken on a meaning that refers to differences between people based on color” (pg. …show more content…

These professionals have to keep an open mind with the people they are working with and trying to help in order to have a positive influence on their lives. If they keep a closed and secure mind on those that are different from you, you will not be able to help them to your best ability. Also having a judge free zone helps to interact with clients in an effective way because it allows the client to feel comfortable and will be willing to receive the help that is to come. Race impacts the way that social workers because, “the client may experience this socially as isolation or psychologically as shame and alienation” (pg. 53), therefore, the professional must keep an open mind in helping others who are feeling this way. If they begin to look down on the clients based on their race or even begin to stereotype them, the client may see this as normal and that change is impossible. Social workers cannot discriminate, oppress, or be prejudiced toward their clients because they are there to get help and not to be criticized by someone who is there to help them. Social workers should also ignore the “stereotype of overly aggressive, cynical verbal behavior, commonly associated with many minorities” (pg. 53), since this is not allowing the client to feel like they have the power to change and get the help they need in order to succeed. All the problems and issues that come along with race have to be looked past when it comes to social workers and other human services, all of the clients should be treated equal no matter the tone of their skin or their facial

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