Essay On Tenosynovitis

954 Words2 Pages


Tenosynovitis is inflammation of a tendon and the sleeve of tissue that covers the tendon (tendon sheath). A tendon is cord of tissue that connects muscle to bone. Normally, a tendon slides smoothly inside its tendon sheath. Tenosynovitis limits movement of the tendon and surrounding tissues, which may cause pain and stiffness.
Tenosynovitis can affect any tendon and tendon sheath. Commonly affected areas include tendons in the:
• Shoulder.
• Arm.
• Hand.
• Hip.
• Leg.
• Foot.

The main cause of this condition is wear and tear over time that results in slight tears in the tendon. Other possible causes include:
• A sudden injury to the tendon or tendon sheath.
• A disease that causes inflammation in the …show more content…

You also may have:
• Blood tests.
• Imaging tests, such as:
○ MRI.
○ Ultrasound.
• A sample of fluid removed from inside the tendon sheath to be checked in a lab.

Treatment for this condition depends on the cause. If tenosynovitis is not caused by an infection, treatment may include:
• Resting the tendon.
• Keeping the tendon in place for periods of time (immobilization) in a splint, brace, or sling.
• NSAIDs to reduce pain and swelling.
• A shot (injection) of medicine to help reduce pain and swelling (steroid).
• Icing or applying heat to the affected area.
• Physical therapy.
• Surgery to release the tendon in the sheath or to repair damage to the tendon or tendon sheath. Surgery may be done if other treatments do not help relieve symptoms.
If tenosynovitis is caused by infection, treatment may include antibiotic medicine given through an IV. In some cases, surgery may be needed to drain fluid from the tendon sheath or remove the tendon sheath.

If You Have a Splint, Brace, or Sling:
• Wear the splint, brace, or sling as told by your health care provider. Remove it only as told by your health care

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