Essay On Social Construction Of Race

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Most people today tend to categorize people into groups based on race based on only physical characteristics instead of by personality or cultural traits. If one observes the way most people act and judge others today, that person will realize quickly that most people tend to notice a person’s race and make assumptions about that person based solely on how they look rather than taking their culture, behavior, and actual factors into account. Although this can cause people to make incorrect assumptions about others, this is how people in our society are brought up today. Race is a term that has been constructed over time by assumptions and stereotypes that people make about others. The idea that race has been socially constructed over time simply means that is has been invented by humans and is not a natural way to categorize people. With that being said, something as big as the idea of race cannot be made by one person. Like anything monumental, race was developed by our entire society. A …show more content…

People's beliefs and ideas about each race and how broad or narrow the spectrum is varies greatly depending on where the question is asked. For example, in West Africa, race is based on if a person has Arab heritage or not. In Brazil, race is based on physical characteristics but it is much more specific than the American classifications. Another difference is that in America, we tend to think that race is based on differences in genes whereas in other countries and at other times, people have associated race with differences in blood, the mind, and the soul. Difference classification of mixed races also differ from country to country. In America, a person with white and black ancestry is considered to be black. In contrast to this, a person with white and black ancestry in Australia is considered to be white. All of these differences aid to the idea that race classification varies greatly depending on

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