Essay On Should Standardized Testing Be Banned In Schools

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Standardized testing should be banned in schools around the nation for many reasons. First off many kids at young ages don’t know what they are doing and don’t understand the problem with giving people names but the problem with these names is it hurts the people. Second of all it doesn’t allow the students taking the test show the full potential of the student taking the test because it has one way it need to be done it doesn’t allow creativity to be shown. Lastly it doesn’t show the accuracy of what it’s supposed to have. Why does it create labels in school. Well it creates many labels for the learning disabled like people who have autism because they can’t handle it and it's not their fault but kids don’t know what they are evening saying …show more content…

The reasons it doesn’t show accuracy is because the company doesn’t spend an hour a day working with the child and understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the child.(Zalan) I truely think that we should be scored by our teachers on if we should pass or anything because they spend the whole time with us. Also they know what the kid is capible of and if the child should pass fail or go to advanced classes. I understand that many say that the test allow the state and nation to understand how well our school are doing. I see how this plays when we are competing against the other countries in the world and we are ranked 17th in the education system and we would like to be the best. (Woestehoff) But test aren’t what we should use we should use what the teachers say and feel because teachers no the student the best and a test can’t beat that.
In conclusion, standardized testing should be removed from schools because it is harmful to people at all ages and it isn’t what it’s supposed to be. How many children are having mental illnesses now. Also how the people who make these test only allow there to be one way cause robots correct the test and the people who make the test are for hire to be your tutor and they don’t do it for a cheap price so only the rich can afford

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