Comparison Of Shakespeare A Man Ahead Of His Time

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Shakespeare: A Man Ahead of His Time

In today's culture there are mind readers and psychics: people who claim to see the future. While shakespeare, by no means, possessed the ability to look into the future or anything of that nature, he was by no doubt, truly a writer way ahead of his time. In both of Shakespeare's plays Hamlet and Othello, the women possess a common personality trait. The women act like that of a common elizabethan women, while also having the traits of a woman in todays society. Especially Desdemona (in Othello) and Ophelia (in Hamlet). In William Shakespeare's plays Othello and Hamlet, Shakespeare's female characters are shown as traditional but have nontraditional characteristics proving that Shakespeare was a writer ahead of his time.
During the times in which Shakespeare lived, women had certain roles which ensured they were a permanent underclass to men. In Women in Shakespeare’s world by Theresa D. Kemp, Kemp states that “The roles of early modern women included daughters and wives, sisters and mothers; they learned and worked and played but for the most part they were not expected to be school girls (whining or otherwise) As women they were expected to be the slightly beautiful beloved and not the balladeer. Women were not seen as fit to play soldier or the judge. And as keepers of the homes and the households, as in our own time, women withdrawn from a “world too wide” ( 29). This quote from Kemp shows how victorian women were seen a just a pretty face to do as told. They were to be obedient and non opinionated. A woman of that time period was very objectified and used, basically women weren't real people.
In The Elizabethans by A.N Wilson, Wilson states “ The Elizabethan woman was not necessarily ...

... middle of paper ... of his time. He captured the stereotypical women of his time , while breaking the mold and working outside of the box to create women who were normal and accepted by the public but at the same time completely non traditional.
In each of his plays the women are the same, with their own little quirks, but overall they all portray a woman that isn't totally fitting to the elizabethan stereotype. Shakespeare was clearly way ahead of his time as a writer. The uncommon characteristics that he gave his women, perfectly describe women today.
Shakespeare's works have been a major influence on theatre. Not only did Shakespeare create some of the most admired plays in literature, he also transformed theatre by expanding expectations through characterisation, plot, action, language, and genre. He raised the status of popular theatre, permitting it to be admired by all.

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