Essay On Self-Disclosure

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While self-discloser has benefits that affect our relationships with ourselves and others, it can also prove to be risky in the wrong situation. When we tend to self-disclose we are choosing to share information with others about our feelings, dreams, likes, dislikes, etc. for building a deeper relationship and we expect appropriate and reciprocal self-discloser back. Self-disclosure like any communication is irreversible and we can take it back, one must always self-motoring following the rules that will gain reward. Any information shared can run into risks, Floyd points out four potential risks when it comes to self-disclosure: rejection, the chance of obligating others, hurt to others, and violation of other people’s privacy (p.101-102). …show more content…

This has happened to me, for example, I would be interested in someone romanticly and soon after I would relieve my feelings for that person hoping they were going to feel the same way, instead they reply with “I only see you as a friend”. Some might believe that sharing your feelings for someone is good to get off your chest, but when it comes to self-disclosing your interest in someone I’ve learned that it is always good to talk to that person long enough to kind of get a feel for their interest in you. There have also been times where I relieved to much with friends that would involve me telling them stories of myself that might not always paint me in the best light. I feel as if my sharing might help build a relationship bring us closer or releases any built-up tension I’ve been feeling throughout the week, but I've learned this just leave others with a negative impression of me. The best way I can use self-discloser when talking to a friend is to only disclose information of myself to friends who I know just as well as they know me, or keep it to myself in some

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