Essay On Seasonal Allergies

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Overview of Seasonal Allergies What Are Seasonal Allergies? Seasonal allergies are the times of the year when most people become very sneezy, wheezy, and congested. Seasonal allergies are usually triggered in the spring time, with the blossoming plants, and during the fall with the dying of the plants; however, seasonal allergies can occur during the winter and the summer depending on your specific allergy trigger. What Are The Most Common Seasonal Allergy Triggers? Seasonal allergy triggers are the allergens in the environment that cause allergic reaction. Many people find that they are allergic to at least one or more of the following: • Ragweed • Mold • Grass • Pollen • Trees in general • Weeds • Dust • Dust Mites Those are just some …show more content…

You have to understand what you are allergic to so that you are prepared. If you are allergic to pollen, then on days that the pollen count is high, you will take preventative measures to limit your exposure to the pollen. These might include staying inside for the day, or immediately taking a shower as soon as you get home from being outside. • Always have your emergency allergy kit ready: Your emergency allergy kit is a small kit that is filled with things you need to treat your allergies. For most seasonal allergies, the treatment is an over the counter antihistamine. Your doctor might also prescribe a steroid to help kick start your immune system into fighting sinus infections. It is also a good idea to have a decongestant available for when you have mucus build up. In your kit, you should also include things that make your feel comfortable, like your favorite tea. • Wear a mask: This might seems silly, but medical masks work wonders in protecting you from allergens. The medical masks cover your nose and mouth and keep many allergens from entering your body. You should consider wearing a medical mask during days that your particular allergen is abundant. You can wear the mask while cleaning your house, doing lawn work, or walking from your house to your

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