Essay On School Violence

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School violence is a matter of public concern, especially when tragic school shootings have begun to occur on a yearly basis. Although school violence seems to occur very often, the risk of school violence is often much higher than the reality of a violent event occurring. This implies that schools imply effective strategies as a whole to avoid school violence from occurring. Nevertheless, many schools in the United States are subject to problems when it comes to school violence and the establishment of a safe environment of a school. Safety should be a top priority of every school as our children are subject to the safety regulations that the schools they attend enforce.

Progress has been made when it comes to monitoring the issues that relate to the subject of school violence and school safety. Currently, there is no standard set of indicators that have been established to designate school violence. The indicators of school violence that do exist have significant limitations. An example can be seen from data according to the National Crime Victimization Survey where the degree of students that have fallen victim of a crime in a school are described (Small 2011). This information does not provide school-based results that are able to yield a more accurate grasp of the type of schools that are subject to the most high crime level. Another issue with regard to examining the issues that relate to the subject to school violence is that of schools not utilizing the same definitions for incidents that occur (Smalls 2011). This causes a problem when researchers go to put together the data of school violence across many schools. Furthermore, students who give self-reports are usually high-school students, which means that these studen...

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...suburban environments feeling socially or economically better (higher) than others or race and ethnic groups that are different from them.

School violence is an issue that cannot be solved independently; rather it must be solved collaboratively over time. New creative ideas need to be established in order to solve this problem of school violence and to eradicate it from endangering the lives of our children. There are many types of violence, some more severe than others, but it should be a common goal to eliminate not only school shootings from occurring in schools buts to eliminate nonfatal crimes and all types of school –related violence (Black 2000). Although there will always be evil in this world we live in, hopefully one day our school systems will be a safehouse for our children such that we feel completely confident in the safety of our beloved children.

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