Essay On Same Sex Marriage

725 Words2 Pages

Same Sex Marriage: Should it be legal or illegal?
Same-sex marriage has been a “problem” in America for many years now. It has been an argument over allowing gay marriage since 70’s. There have been bans from state to state on same-sex marriage. The individuals in each of these states are also conflicted. Some people believe in the traditional definition that marriage is between man and woman. If all of the states decided to legalize same-sex marriage, or ban it, there will always be individuals with different thoughts on same-sex marriage. It is apparent that having a relationship with another person is legal. Why then is it only legal for a man and a woman to marry?
Couples are required to be with someone from the opposite sex in order to conceive. It has been passed from generation to generation that two people of the same-sex cannot be together and can never happen. Same-sex marriage legalization has lower divorce rates, while gay marriage bans have higher divorce rates. Gay marriage is protected by the Constitution’s commitments to liberty and equality. Legalizing gay marriage will not harm family values and society will continue to function successfully.
Citizens male or female should be able to love who they want to love, and marry who they want to marry. It should not be as big of a deal as most people make it out to be. For many years, same sex relationships have had to go through the fact that you cannot classify your “life partner” as a person on your medical insurance, life insurance, or any other legal situations able to be married couples are allowed. An example is the military, in order to live in your own off-base housing, some places require that only married couples may live off-base and single’s must live in d...

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...GBT community. People today feel like it’s going to happen whether you like it or not. I feel that all people should be somewhat open to how others live their life and try to accept them for who they are. If you can’t accept it, then you can go back to however you felt before. Homosexual’s lack of legal recognition affects them in many different ways. .
The compromise should be a rewrite in the U.S. Constitution. It should go something like this:
A "marriage", as recognized by all government, is determined as a unison between two adults. Which both adults must both be over the age of 18 and must not be related (sibling, parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, or first cousin). Any further restrictions of the marriage are left up to the states, with any state decision applying only to the state that passes the law and any other state that recognizes a similar marriage.

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