Essay On Military Dictatorship

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In this essay it will discuss the extent to which the principate is a history of military dictatorships. Meaning to what extent did the military hold authoritarian control. In fact, the principate was not a history of military dictatorships, but an Oligarchy, where the Emperor, the Senate and the Army all came together to rule the Empire. Although, some had more power than others. The essay will divide into two main parts one explaining how it was not a military dictatorship but showing examples of how the army helped and were important to the emperor, in the way that the Army can make you Emperor and also resign you of that Title by planning an attack. I will give examples of a select few of Emperors, it will not cover them all. To which they did prove of massive importance to the Emperor. If someone wanted to become Emperor and stay in power, then he needed the help of the Army. However, there is an exception when it comes to Judea. On the other hand, it will discuss the importance of others and give examples as to why it was not a history of military dictatorships as it is clear the army was never solely in control. For instance the senate’s input and the rule of the mob, for example in AD 32 at the games where Tiberius was absent, the people were demonstrating aggressive behaviour (Tac. A6.13.). There was always someone else with power and is clearly evidenced by the Emperor himself …show more content…

The Emperor did depend on the Army to keep Rome safe from enemies. Although, more importantly was the role of the Praetorian Guard, which will be discussed further on in this essay, who protected the emperor from any harm on a daily basis. For the Army, they got praise, money, ability to be promoted in military or senatorial rank and

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