Essay On Importance Of Travel

528 Words2 Pages

Research Question : Relevance of travel in widening perspective.

What does Travel means:
Travel usually involves movement of people between relatively distant geographically location or We can also define travel as “ A way of traversing through one geographic location to other it can be for short term or long term or it can be permanent or temporary.” Although many traveler writer and scholars have defined travel in different ways still its remain an eternal question and the way a traveller define is always different than a tourist and a tourist define it different than a salesman.

Travel meanings :

Etymology of word Travel:
There is no clear evidence when the word travel was used for the first time but in the Merriam Webster dictionary it was 14th century when the term travel was used first time in the history. And it also give the evidence that the word originated from the word travailen which means torment or labour or strive or journey from Middle English.

Type of Travel:
Travel can be of various types depending on the time duration, leisure level, purpose and mode of...

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