Essay On Imperialism In The Middle East

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Weaker nations often used to suffer from powerful countries taking over their land and forcefully spreading their influence through the people. This ultimately led to diminishment of their own cultures and traditions. This struggle is called imperialism. Though in the long run, imperialism did help with certain aspects, it was the cause of great despair and took away the individuality of people by forcing a way of life on them. Today, imperialism in the Middle East has lead to war of all sorts, so in all, imperialism should be avoided. After imperialism went into play long ago, it caused economic oppression of the people with high taxes that went to the imperial power. This was unfair to the people because the powerful nations took over land that did not belong to them. When the imperial power forced different ways of life on the weaker nations, the people lost their ethnic individuality. Over time, empires were destroyed, and cultures ended up completely dying out because of ethnocentrism, superiority of an ethnic group, and genocide, the mass killing of a large group of people. …show more content…

European countries were desperate for more land and to avoid war, they set up The Berlin Conference (1884-5) to draw lines on the map of Africa and create colonies for each of them. By 1914, basically all of Africa was colonized. They interfered with Africa’s culture, which caused much frustration among the African people. Another great example is seen in Disney’s Pocahontas. This movie recreates a true story and does a great job in showing how the white men invaded the land of the Native Americans, taking what did not belong to them. It shows the struggle the natives faced during this invasion and how unfair it was for these people to just show up and take their homes and lives from

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