Essay On How To Obtain Canadian Citizenship

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The Process of Obtaining Canadian Citizenship Canada has been assumed a country of emigrants since the time when the first newcomers arrived to this territory. When Canada was founded as a country, the issue of becoming a Canadian citizen occur. The first procedure of obtaining citizenship has been legally appeared in 1947 in the Canadian Citizenship Act (the “Act”), ( 1947, Pear 21). In October 11, 2017, underwent recent amendments, especially regarding the naturalization process for immigrants, as a result the new requirements were implemented into the six stage process of obtaining Canadian citizenship. For many immigrants, to be a citizen is not only the final step of the immigration process but also the usage of diverse benefits from it. For example, non-citizens in Canada do not have political rights such as running for office and voting . Also, among the benefits are ability to work in high secured jobs, opportunity easily travel with consulate support if needed, no doubt of being deported. …show more content…

First of all, a person has to remain the permanent resident with no unfulfilled conditions related to PR status. Secondly, the physical presence in Canada is required. By new amendments to the Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-29) needed physical presence in Canada reduced to 3 (1095 days) out of 5 years. The third criteria, the age range for language and knowledge requirements reduced to 18-54 years old out of 14-64 years old. The last criteria, required time for applicants to file income taxes before applying for citizenship is reduced to 3 out of 5 year. Regardless of age of the applicant, the personal income tax filing obligations in 3 tax years are fully or partially met within 5 years right before the date of

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