Essay On Canadian Citizenship

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The steps to becoming a Canadian citizen are comprised of several components. The fact of the matter is that citizenship does not end when an individual obtains the documents that enable them to participate within civic duties and responsibilities. Based on the evidence of expert T.H. Marshall, within his academic essay entitled “Citizenship and Social Class”, the formation of social citizenship “promised greater economic equality, improvements in social welfare, services and education, and the opportunity for individuals to "share to the full in the social heritage and … live the life of a civilized being according to the standards prevailing in the society” (Marshall 1964). Social citizenship is also attributed as the basis of all forms of citizenship, yet is often debated whether it is currently possible and exercised by those of who it would benefit. According to the principles of T.H. Marshall’s literary work, social citizenship is active, as demonstrated through: the four core aspects citizenship, the basis of social policy, and the resulting actions taken by governing bodies. The principles of T.H. Marshall’s literary work prove that social citizenship is active as …show more content…

Marshall, is still active within society. The key to full citizenship is that in order to engage in positive cultural, political and civic citizenship, it is to be understood that all are linked to social citizenship. The three social policies implemented by the government are for the benefit of the citizens, and also led to major changes from the government to support permanent change. In conclusion, social citizenship is still an impactful part of the way citizens are formed, because unhealthy culture and communities develop unfit citizens within a society who will deal with a difficult time of finding their place in a changing

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