Essay On Hatshepsut

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Queen Hatshepsut was one of the most powerful females in Ancient Egyptian history. Not only was she the longest reigning female pharaoh in all of Egypt, but she made lasting impacts on the nation during and far after her reign. Although she was a woman, and this type of power had never been given to a woman before, she is considered one of Egypt's most successful pharaohs.
Hatshepsut was born in 1508 B.C., daughter of Thutmose I. Thutmose I was the third king of the 18th century, son of a military man. He did not take to the throne as son of a former king, but due to unknown circumstances he rose to the throne. His reign ended in 1493B.C.. Thutmose I was succeeded by his son Thutmose II. After the death of Hatshepsut’s father at age twelve, …show more content…

The sites touched by Thutmose I and II were expanded in Upper Egypt. Hatshepsut built for Horus of Buhen, which was a temple of a temple common in the mid 18th dynasty. Hatshepsut lined the temple with drawings of her and Thutmose III. Although later, when Thutmose III rose to power, he replaced those drawings with those of just him and his father and grandfather. However, parts of the Buhen temples that were moved to the Khartoum Museum, contains scenes of Hatshepsut’s coronation and veneration of her father, Thutmose I. There are no records of any 18th dynasty kings building before Hatshepsut. Hatshepsut also inscribed a lengthy tale on Speos Artemidos, saying that she was the first person to start to restore temples in the area of Memphis since the Hyksos destroyed the area. She claimed to rebuild temples at Hermopolis and at Cusae. This work was claimed to be overlooked by one of her nomarch named, Djehuty. Djehuty was a general under king Thutmose III, and then a nomarch to Hatshepsut. Djehuty had the titles “king's scribe”, “overseer of troops” and “overseer of the northern countries”. Hatshepsut gave the most attention to Thebes. She had a huge focus on the Temple of Karnak, and worked on restoring and expanding on the once great temple. Djehuty had a large role in this project as well. Illustrated on the walls of this temple, was the Queen’s expedition to …show more content…

Gold and precious stone were plentiful, and this was clearly shown on the walls of the Temple of Karnak. She was pleased with the amount of luxury goods that she was able to acquire and also donate in Amun’s name, that she had a scene of that carved into the Temple walls. These luxury goods were exported from Punt. There were many detailed inscriptions of the exotic goods brought from Punt on the Queen’s expedition. Hatshepsut had another temple known as Djeser-Djeseru (seen in figures 2 and 3), which translates to 'Sublime of the Sublimes'. She built it in the Valley of the Kings and the temple was dedicated to Amun. Hatshepsut restored other temples dedicated to Amun as well, to show respect for the gods. In cut hieroglyphs, characteristic of inscriptions of the reign of Hatshepsut, the Queen’s words were inscribed into the

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