Essay On Happiness In The Giver

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Sadness vs. Happiness
In Lois Lowry’s dystopian novel The Giver we learn that as human beings we need sadness and pain. Humans need it because without pain, we would no longer have joy and happiness. There is an opposite to everything, and that is what makes our life so special. People don’t like pain but it is what builds us and makes us stronger and it gives us knowledge for later on conflicts. We don’t realize it but pain is there for a reason, to conquer it and make us happy. Pain and suffering is temporary. Everyone wants to be happy but if we want to be happy we need to defeat what’s in our way, sadness.
In addition everyone’s life has a story filled with good and bad memories and that is what makes it so distinguished from Jonas …show more content…

The Giver [120] tells Jonas, “ Our people made a choice, the choice to go to sameness.” Having pain and sadness in our life is a big warning system and helps protect you but the Community throws it away like it’s nothing [137] Jonas was given a memory of sledding down a hill and breaking a bone and so he knew it was bad because it gave him warning. Pain is a great human quality and it was meant to be there right with us throughout our lives. If they don’t want pain then they don’t want happiness either. I love knowing that I have feelings like that because we know it keeps us …show more content…

Jonas [159] asked his parents if they loved him and they said, “ Jonas. You of all people. Precision of language please.”Love is a bond between people and it is what makes us human. Back on page 159 Jonas’ parents don’t say they love Jonas because the pills have taken that emotion out of them and that would mean that they don’t love each other. A lot of decisions made in our time is based on love but since the Community gave that up they only take up space and work then die. Love is a persuasion and it doesn’t always help but that is how we think on

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