Essay On Dental Hygienist

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I have wanted to be a dental hygienist since I graduated high school one of the many reasons that I decided on this career is because I have always liked going to the dentist and because I feel like the dental field is very interesting. To be a professional dental hygienist you have to complete at least two years of college and get an associate’s degree in dental hygiene. You also have to pass a national board and also pass a state board. A dental hygienist is not considered professional just because they have graduated college there are many other factors taken into consideration. To be a professional dental hygienist you need to be aware of the expanded functions that you are legally able to do in the state that you have your license. For …show more content…

If a dental hygienist is not dependable and does not show up to work she impacts the whole clinic. Patients would have to be rescheduled and it would also impact the office because it would decrease their earnings for the day that is why it is very important that a dental hygienist is dependable. Dental hygienist should also always be on time to work to be able to setup their operatory so that they can see their patients on time. A dental hygienist should also be respectful to her coworkers and her patients because as professionals we need to treat everyone with respect. A professional dental hygienist should also take the time to research different cultures and ages so that they are able to communicate well with their patients. They should also research different preventative methods for their patients. They should have different preventative methods that will fit the different needs of every patient. A dental hygienist also has to always take in consideration what is the best option for every patient, for example if they have a patient that has not had a cleaning in a couple of years they should be able to determine if that patient needs a full mouth debridement, quad scaling or just a prophy based on that patient’s

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