Essay On Christian Values

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Christian values, the manner in which we honor God, can vary as much as denominations. Some may be rigid and require complete compliance to their structured way of life such as; social interaction, clothing, employment, and worship. Others may be more contemporary, where just about everything is accepted. For example, clothing guidelines may be come as you are, eating and drinking may be permitted in the sanctuary, or there may be homosexuals or women as pastors. But the one common value they all have is God. Christian values start with placing God first in everything, over everyone, and every idea that we may conceive. (What are Christian Values) God teaches us the importance of hope, righteousness, love and putting him first in everything. Our values are based on spiritual things instead of material things such as cars, money or houses. I Timothy 6:11 tells us not to place material gain over hope, righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness, and gentleness. ( NKJB) Many people may be …show more content…

John 4:24 tells us, “God is spirit, and those who worship Him in spirit and truth.” ( KJB) It is past time for people to be playing church. Revelations 3:16 warns us that because thou art lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spew thee out of my mouth. The time has passed for white washing sin and saying, God knows my heart. As in any relationship, God wants us to give him our very best; just as he gave his best to us, his only son Jesus as a sacrifice for our sins. Going to church on Sunday and trying to act holier than thou and living like the devil the rest of the week in contrary to God’s will. Christian values will clean you up and help you change. The truth will help you face yourself and the mess we’ve made with our lives. God’s mercy and grace will find you at your lowest when you have to face truth. His love will lift you up from that grave we call life to a life new and

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