Essay On Bleach

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Bleach is a chemical that is typically used in the household. It can be used to remove stains, lighten hair, sterilize pools, and kill weeds in a garden. It typically either contains chlorine or a peroxide like hydrogen peroxide, depending on what it’s used for. Bleach is harmful when ingested, in contact with skin, or breathed in. It is very toxic if any of those things happen. When a small amount is swallowed, over 200 milliliters can cause diarrhea, an inflamed esophagus, and internal bleeding. If a large amount is swallowed, there can be low blood pressure, and the heart can collapse. When exposed to the skin, there can be a burning sensation and the skin will become irritated. If in the eyes, there can be damage to the eye depending on how long it is exposed. It is recommended if the skin or eye comes into contact with bleach, that it is rinsed thoroughly. If bleach is mixed with other chemicals like an acid or ammonia, dangerous fumes can affect the throat, nose, or eyes. Those with breathing issues should seek immediate help. The amount of help requires depends on the concentration of bleach. Something like pool bleach can be more severe than something like diluted bleach. Contrary to popular belief, bleach is not a carcinogen. It is not known to cause cancer, although exposure is not recommended and can have many other negative side …show more content…

He was convicted previously beginning in 1952 for things like drunk driving, abduction, and rape. However, for the 1988 trial, the judge only convicted him for the murder of Buckner. Due to fingerprint evidence on her body, the high blood alcohol content, and the fact that he was seen with her that night, Jordan was convicted of manslaughter for fifteen years in prison. When released, in 2000 he was charged for assault, sexual assault, and administering alcohol irresponsibly. He was once again arrested in 2002 when found drinking with multiple

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