Jordan Brown Case Study

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The study of Juvenile delinquency and the theories pertaining to it are vital for several reasons. In order to more effectively engage with youths and foster positive behavior and schemas, the individuals must first be understood. The study of theory provides a means of understanding adolescents and the factors that lead to or detract from delinquent behavior. In the case of juvenile delinquent, Jordan Brown, theory helps to provide insight into why an eleven-year-old boy murdered his stepmother. Jordan Brown was charged as an adult for first-degree murder of his stepmother, but was adjudicated delinquent. In this case, Brown was charged with two counts of first degree murder for the death of his stepmother and the unborn child that she was …show more content…

In this case, Brown decided that the benefit of having his own room was worth the risk of committing murder. The choice to cover the murder weapon with a blanket indicates that rationale was used in planning the attack. This is important to note because Brown considered that concealing the weapon under a blanket would enable him to commit his crime undetected. Furthermore, Brown’s attempt to throw the shotgun shell into the grass on the way to the school bus demonstrates his understanding of what he was doing and his intent to hide the evidence. Due to this, it can be established that Brown weighed his options and knew that what he was doing was something that should be hidden and was less than forthright. As the theory claims that adolescent offenders are self-centered, Brown’s case reflects this through his inability to consider the needs or feelings of the others in his family (Siegel & Welsh, …show more content…

This theory offers an explanation for how personality flaws developed in youth lead to delinquent behavior later on in life. In this theory, Freud posits that that the personality is comprised of three elements known as the id, ego, and superego (Siegel & Welsh, 2017). The id is indulgent and desires instant gratification. This aspect is present from birth while the ego forms gradually over time. The ego acts as a filter for the id and aids in controlling compulsive tendencies that the id creates. Finally, the superego is fostered through connections with close relatives and instills virtue and ethics. While the superego is the conscientious aspect and the id is the indulgent aspect, the ego acts as a buffer for the two, creating moral behavior. While all three aspects function concurrently, a balance between the three allows individuals to exhibit healthy behavior and responses. When one element is expressed more outwardly than the other two, the balance is disrupted and the personality

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