Colorism Essay

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Colorism has became a huge issue in today’s society. Colorism is an issue because, it is a form of racism, it reflects back on the days of slavery, it is overall rude, and jail terms are affected.
Colorism is prejudice or discrimination against individuals with a dark skin tone, typically among people of the same ethnic or racial group. In other words, colorism is the saying that one sade of the same race is better than a different shade of that race. Racism is prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. Colorism is hatred with your own race, and racism is hatred towards another group. Colorism can be considered racism though, because even though …show more content…

Some people may think that colorism is not an issue because everyone should be allowed to have their own opinion of beauty, and that’s true. What’s not true, is that colorism is the right way to approach society. I know colorism is an issue because we are teaching society a form of racism within our own race. America tries to be the place where everyone feels like we belong, in the land of the free, How are people supposed to feel as if they belong in a place where we are taught that one shade of black is bad, and one shade of black is good? Colorism is an issue, because we are teaching kids that they cannot be comfortable in their own skin just because there is someone lighter than them. Light skin should not be a symbol of beauty. Colorism is an issue because we are discriminating against our own race, just because we want to be the best, but what determines who is the best or not? Skin does not determine that someone is better than someone else, so yes, colorism is an issue. Colorism is an issue because people of the same race are given different jail sentences for the same exact crime. Colorism is an issue because we are teaching society that we have a preference of skin tone within an ethnic

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