Essay On Behavior Modification

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There are so many questions that parents have when it comes to their child. How old are they supposed to be walking at? How do I know if my child is eating right? Lets add to the mix something a little more complicated than that, a child with a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Which behavior modification techniques are best for use with a child with moderate ADHD? Many parents struggle with school systems and home life just to keep their child on track to success. Behavior modification techniques help the child to focus better, create more self-discipline, and sometimes, even help to establish organization and routine. In the article called The Process of Assisting Behavior Modification in a Child With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (2007), a boy called Alex in was taking double the amount of medication for his ADHD that was prescribed by his doctor. The reason he acted out so much was because of the medication. Alex felt unwell and had mood swings, so the team of the doctor, parents and his teachers decided to cut his dosage by half. Ever since his medication was reduced, Alex still had fears of what the medication may do to him for different side effects but overall is a normal child. Even after his medication was reduced, it was recommended that he continue behavioral therapy as he as …show more content…

If a child had 40mg of medication, to get the same results with combined behavioral therapy and low dose of medication, the medication amount would only need to be about 10mg resulting in less side effects through the medication. Children usually get off the medication during their childhood or sometime as a teenager depending on severity and need but sometimes parents are able to keep their child on a low dose and combining it with behavioral therapy (Gregory A. Fabiano et al.

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