Essay On Asian Americans

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Pak, Maramba, and Hernandez argue that the aim of this monograph is to restructure campus policies related to racial diversity to consistently incorporate Asian Americans as a matter of equity. The historical and contemporary experiences of Asian Americans in higher education are interesting to consider from a diversity point of view. The way in which Asian Americans students have access to, or limitations in counseling, financial aid, and other social service need stem in large part from misunderstanding of the range of Asian American students’ experiences. How perceptions of these students have served to mold current practices and policies will be benefit for both practitioners and researcher in higher education. Much of the current understanding …show more content…

The recurrent inquisition “Are you American?” or “Do you speak English”? define who can count as an American or not. The wholesale incarceration of many Japanese Americans during the World War II explains how the formulation of foreignness became reified. Regarding this issue, Chang and others highlight the unique positioning of Asian Americans in historical and current-days realities to analyze those oppressive forces which work to deny citizenship and immigration rights (Hing, 1993). And while the constant reminder of the outsider racialization also affect Latinos groups in a particular way, the specter of the yellow peril and the model minority continue to persist to marginalizing Asian American experiences in way that are unique to their historical and political context. Critical scholars in education working to disappear the model minority stereotype also find that the perception held by the public is more difficult to overcome within higher education circles, where the stereotype of Asian American excellence and overrepresentation seems to be at its highest because of its social, economic and cultural implications which are attached to educational attainment at its most elite

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