Essay D1 Evaluate Interpersonal And Written Communications Techniques

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D1 - Evaluate interpersonal and written communications techniques.

Taking part in this unit has enabled me to use my verbal skills to exchange ideas with my fellow students. I am very self-conscious about my voice and will worry about whether or not I am speaking too loudly or saying inappropriate things to the other person. Being recently diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome has clarified to me the reason for the existence of these problems and I now worry a lot less about these things than I did before. On a professional level I am able to communicate technical details to people but when it comes time to socialise with my fellow students or co-workers I still find myself freezing up and moving into the background to avoid difficult situations. A lot of people would misinterpret this as shyness. During the course I had to make a verbal presentation to then class about how to set up a social media account. I …show more content…

During group activities I let the discussions be led by the people who are more verbally skilled than me and move into the background. I feel extremely self-conscious when people use ‘banter’ in conversations as I cannot understand the difference between ‘banter’ and insults, again due to my Asperger’s Syndrome, so I get put off speaking very easily when people make fun of the problems I am having when trying to speak. I become flustered, I lose my words and lose track of the subject that is being discussed, and will become quiet and not answer rather than struggle to get my points across. People in general do not understand Asperger’s Syndrome very well, some think it is a mental retardation, others shyness and still others treat the sufferer as somebody who is just immature. I have only recently been diagnosed so I am not an expert in these matters, nor do I have any contact with people who are. I think my skills will develop as I learn how to be around people within a college

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