Essay Comparing Miami And Venezuela

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Many of the people I know, after they graduated from high school they move to another country because they are going to study in college. I did that, after I graduated from high school in Caracas- Venezuela I moved to Miami- Florida to fulfill my dream of completed a career and be a professional. All countries have things that are in similar and different. Two places I have lived are Caracas and Miami, both countries have different laws, education systems and the similarity is the security. The laws in all countries are different. For example, Venezuela is a country where there are no laws of any kind. Traffic laws, no person stops at a stop sign, people cross on a red light, if the police pulls anyone over, people offer money in the form of bribery. The right to vote, all citizens have the right to exercise …show more content…

In Venezuela is the kindergarten, primary that is from first grade to a sixth grade, secondary that is from the first year of high school to fifth year of high school. In Venezuela the primary and the secondary are very good and are well advanced, but reading is not good, children are not prepared to read. Compared to Miami is the kindergarten, middle school, high school. In Miami the universities are better and also the reading system is very good. Children are very well prepared with the reading skills. Everywhere in the world something happens. No place is safe. Often this is due to the lack of laws, but in other cases is only terrorism. Safety is something similar between Venezuela and Miami because in the two places that I have lived, there have been terrorist attacks. For example, in 2009 and in 2010 two synagogue in Caracas ware attacked and destroyed. Last year a rabbi was killed walking in the streets. By chance these two attacks are against Jews, but not only these things happen to Jews because every day you hear something different. It is true that are places where insecurity is more than

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