Essay About Family

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Imagine the word family it is a simple word, however it is also a powerful. The thought of family is definitely for every family is different. There are similarities based on the culture of a family. The basic nature of family is the same, it is a connection to another. In the United States the idea of family is mother and father that produce a boy and girl and live in a home with a white picket fence. This is a stereotypical family which is not the case for all families. There are many variations of families in the US. Often single parents raise children or two parents that are separated will raise the children. The family though is not limited to the blood connection that is there. Often pets or friends will fulfill the family role. …show more content…

This type of family is by choice and is referred to as a gang. Violence is a daily occurrence in Capetown. Young men are often find themselves looking for another family or lifestyle that a gang will help them achieve. There are many young men that find themselves without a family do to violence, these men turn to gangs to replace the role of family. Young men will join gangs, because they are in need of protection, they want money, they want to carry a gun, and they want to feel a connection with a group of people. The leader of the gang will act as the father figure of the group. As the leader of the gang he is highly respected. The gang life is dangerous and often leads to having scars, becoming paralyzed, and death. When a new member joins the gang he must prove himself often by committing a crime. Deciding to join a gang should not be taking lightly as members are often marked for death if they decide they want to leave. This close brotherhood has rules and will punish in a brutal way as in beatings are given of rules are not followed. New members are often tattooed along with sharing blood to bond them together with their new family. Tattoos show a story of the gang member’s life. Once the new member is in the gang they are told that the gang is there only family. Their old family no long exist or matters as they are now one with the

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