Entanglement During Ww2

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Following the successful conclusion for Independence from the British Empire in the early 1780s American government was a loose confederation of 13 states. During the summer of 1787 a group of patriots met in Philadelphia, Pa. to address the limitations of the Articles of Confederation and produced the Constitution which which has been the basis of American government. In 1789 George Washington Became president and given that we were weak government largely occupying a limited territory east of the Appalachian Mountains. Because of these limitations President Washington determined to establish a foreign policy of non entanglement with European powers. This became the primary foreign for the next 150 years.Dramatic change occured when the United States was attacked by the Japanese in 1941. The United States became the arsenal of democracy and continued and following WW2 and during the Cold War America's policy of non foreign entanglement ended as we took responsibility of every crisis around the world. John Quincy Adams who was secretary of state during the Monroe presidency was the primary author of the Monroe Doctrine which was an effort on the part of a young …show more content…

WW1 is known for its trench warfare. American wasnt in the war at the start but they entered when Germany started sinking U.S. ships. The sinking of the Lusitania a British luxury liner in which over a hundred U.S. citizens drowned got the attention of the American people. In 1917 American troops entered the war as a result the Germans were defeated. It is note however that American forces in Europe operated as an independent command rather than as part of an integrated force. During the time the men were all at war the women all had to work so America was still standing. There was a lot of destruction and by the end of it all there were over 16 million people

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