Ender's Game Transformation Essay

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Transformations occur. Transformations occur not only in the physical appearance but also in the interior appearance (personality) transforms little by little. These changes do not magically happen; this process has a little help by: friendship or enemies, setting, and circumstances. In Ender’s Game by Card, Orson Scott, a novel gives examples of a transforming young child. When these changes start occurring Ender starts learning about three key ideas himself, leadership, and as well as friendship. Ender starts learning who he is becoming and whom he is acting like afterwards. Within the key idea of leadership is learned how to act and how to be flexible throughout the changes. In friendship as well learns that one could have friendship that …show more content…

One is giving advice to others to let them know tactics to know for a combat. Ender is getting an idea of the gravity there is at battle school and bounces from wall without getting hurt; they stared at him but he responded with a simple “try it” assuring them they will not get hurt (56). This lad is willing to try new things to show others what could be done without thinking that damage will occur to them. When being a leader one has to try new things even in the moment of combat without being afraid of doing things that are risking material. Ender assures his enemy, Mazer Rackham, that he cannot win any battle if he stays being petrify of “losing a ship” that will not allow him to try anything at any moment until he is sure its correct. Also when winning it is know for a leader to win in honor and lose in honor. This young lad wins the final battle but does believe “he had won in honor” since he was not notified that he was in an actual battle destroying the Buggers’ planet until he defeated the Buggers. Therefore, Ender learns about leadership within the process of getting in a higher level each time. Friends give one support through the bad and the good; but enemies actually teach one a lesson or two that is what Ender actually learns the most throughout the

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