Emotional Intelligence In Brave New World

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Everyday humans have different situations they go through. Our actions, or solutions to the situations determines on our thought process and even our feelings. For example, you wake up on the wrong side of the bed and are just not having a good day. You are walking down the sidewalk on a very scolding day and you are hot and very irritable. you are holding an open lid ice water cup, and someone bumps into you and spills it on you. Your immediate emotion following that will most likely be anger, frustration, maybe even sadness. But what if you were having a good day earlier that day, and the same thing happens. You would not be as angry because your emotions built up throughout the day have not been as negative. That is an example of emotional intelligence.
What is emotional intelligence? Paul Hong author of “Emotional intelligence Goleman’s four competencies” says that emotional intelligence can be described as the ability to recognize and manage your own and others’ emotions, including the capacity to self motivate and handle interpersonal relationships.The novel Brave New World took out the main component in a human set up so there is no way to create a special bond with other humans. …show more content…

In the article “Develop an Awareness of your emotions…” it quotes that awareness of one’s ability to feel is founded on the innate sense built into every human beings psychethe emotional quotient. So what happens when you take away the innate sense built into every human 's emotional quotient ? In the novel Brave New World that is what happens. They believe that some emotions should not be felt because it gets in the way of the productivity in the society. When in reality if humans didn’t experience or have to deal with all the emotions, positive or negative, our E.Q. would be irregularly low and would not prepare us life. Growing emotional is a vital part in growing

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