Emma Gonzalez's Speech To Guns In America

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“Since the Founding Fathers added the Second Amendment to the Constitution, our guns have developed at a rate that leaves me dizzy. The guns have changed but our laws have not.” This statement is shown in the passage,”Famous Speeches: "We call BS," Emma Gonzalez's speech to gun advocates” by:Emma Gonzalez. The U.S. has made fantastic achievement to one's society today but, the gun violence has gone through the roof over these past few years. Most causes from gun violence have came from school problems, and family struggles and should be resolved. In addition,two articles,”Famous Speeches: "We call BS," Emma Gonzalez's speech to gun advocates” by:Emma Gonzalez and, “Issue Overview: Guns in America” by:Bloomberg, have shown some comparabilities …show more content…

Gun sellers have to make sure that the buyers aren't dangerous.” This statement is a great example to fix this situation, because the one who is handling the firearm is putting our whole live in danger. The article,”Famous Speeches: "We call BS," Emma Gonzalez's speech to gun advocates” also states, paragraph 11,line 2,”That regulation would have made it easier to block the sale of firearms to people with certain mental illnesses. I don't need to be a psychologist to know that repealing it was a really dumb idea.” This textual evidence is similar to the first evidence because they are addressing this situation so mental …show more content…

Both the given articles have different perspective of the way we see our world today. Evidence is shown in the article,”Famous Speeches: "We call BS," Emma Gonzalez's speech to gun advocates” paragraph 6, line 2,”And in this case, if you actively do nothing, people continually end up dead, so it's time to start doing something.” This statement explains that our government have these debates on what should happen to address the situation and why they are debating more mass shooting are happening and none is fixing this situation. An evidence is shown in the passage, “Issue Overview: Guns in America” paragraph 1, line 1, “Every mass shooting in the United States starts a new debate over the right to own guns. Americans own more guns than anybody else on Earth.”This textual evidence shows that the U.S. is arguing over what to do and how to do it, but more they argue and not figure out a solution the more people are going to buy guns and more people are killed. Also, the article, ”Famous Speeches: "We call BS," Emma Gonzalez's speech to gun advocates” paragraph 7, line 6,”The students who are dead, the students still in the hospital, the student now suffering post-traumatic stress disorder, the students who had panic attacks during our vigil to mourn our classmates because the helicopters would not leave us alone, hovering over the school for 24 hours a day.” This

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