Summary Of Mark O 'Mara's' Gun Abate? What Gun Debate

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In his article “Gun debate? What gun debate?” Mark O 'Mara discuses the controversial issue of gun control. O’Mara takes the tragic school shooting in Oregon as an opportunity to voice his opinion on the debate of guns. He clearly states his position and explains that gun violence has increased enormously because of the lack of command by the government and support from the public to speak out against it. O’Mara claims the issue is no longer a debate because it is so evident that guns have become a significant problem in this country and therefore actions must be taken to control and govern gun laws. In his article he attempts to raise awareness to the severity of the issue and tries to persuade his readers to take a stance against gun violence …show more content…

In order to convey his argument O’Mara must first gain his reader’s trust. To do this, the author establishes his authority and his credibility through the editorial note, to show that he is knowledgeable to speak about the problem. Mark O’Mara’s authority checks out because he is a criminal defense attorney and he writes about “issues related to race, guns and self-defense in the context of the American criminal justice system”. So he is exposed to lot criminal acts some of which may be gun-related and so he knows how serious it is or the statistics on of which the mass shooting have increased. O’Mara appears sympathetic to his cause, as he uses facts based of emotions to make the reader feel and understand the point he is trying to make. To further credit his sources, he cites them from other notable news outlets like ABC and CNN news. The use of ethos strengths his argument because it gives the reader the confidence to believe in what the author is saying, as opposed to an author whose work is self-published and without any credentials. But O’Mara accusatory tone that implies Americans are don’t care about the shooting, drives away his American readers because it may be

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