Emily Anne Rigal Research Paper

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Have you ever heard of Emily-Anne Rigal? Emily-Anne is an anti-bully teen activist , but what's her story from becoming a teen activist? Research shows, when Emily-Anne was in elementary school she was bullied by the “popular” kids. They called her fat and ugly. She had said “ I have gotten very isolated at school so I switched to an all girl school.” At Emily-Anne's new school she wasn’t being bullied. She said she didn’t want to risk of being bullied again. So she became a bully herself. According to Emily-anne, a girl wanted to walk with Emily-Anne and her friend, but they didn't include her for some reason and they started running and laughing. According to Emily-Anne, her friends didn’t want anything to do with bullying anymore, …show more content…

One day she came across a shocking static; “More than 1 million young people are bullied online each year.” Emily-Anne says “when you are cyberbullied it feels like you can’t get away”. So, in response she created WeStopHate (WSH). As a result, westophate raises self-esteem through Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and other digital platforms. This raises self-esteem because through Facebook and Twitter you get motivational messages and on YouTube Emily posts motivational videos for people who are going through a rough time. Also, westophate prevents kids/teens from committing suicide. Emily says “ I stay motivated by the messages that westophate promotes.” Therefore, Emily-Anne says she wants to create a bully button on Facebook. So when someone is getting cyberbullied they can just press the button and it will all stop. Emily-Anne created westophate in 2010 and it post videos weekly for people to stay motivated when they are being bullied and when they are feeling like they aren’t’ good enough. Emily-Anne always says “ Sometimes I pretend to be normal, but the it gets boring so I go back to being me.” She says that because people pretend to be someone different around certain people, but Emily says that it gets boring so she goes back to being

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