Aileen Pittman Research Paper

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Early Life From the beginning, Aileen Carol Pittman was dealt an unlucky hand. Her mother, Diane Wuornos, got pregnant with her as a teenager, and her father, Leo Dale Pittman, was in prison and he hung himself before she was ever able to meet him. Leo was also a psychopathic child molester. Born on February 29, 1956, she was abandoned by her mother not too many years later. By the age of four, she had been abandoned, and eventually ended up living with her grandparents with her elder brother, Keith. Unfortunately, this was possibly an even worse situation than living with her mother would have been. To begin with, her grandparents decided not to tell her and Keith that they were their grandparents, and decided to just say they were their adoptive parents. It was not made known to Aileen until she was twelve that she had been living with her grandparents. Aileen's grandmother was an abusive alcoholic, and her grandfather abused her physically and sexually. Aileen's grandfather sexually abused her, and she was also having sexual relations with her own brother. The sex with her brother led to her Also, Dr. Bernard, who was the states psychologist, said that Aileen had a borderline personality disorder and an antisocial personality disorder. Unfortunately for Aileen, neither of these were severe enough for it to be considered the cause of her actions. Her IQ was also evaluated and was an eighty-one, but in order to be considered retarded ones IQ must be a seventy or lower, so this did not help her escape the death penalty. During this phase, many of the disturbing things that occurred during her childhood were brought to light. More psychologists were brought in, and some of them saw her as a very disturbed woman, who was ruined by her childhood. It was also concluded that she might have suffered brain damage, and she could not change her ways in order to obey the

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