Elder John Bowles's Reflection Of The Elder John Bowles

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Elder John Bowles has some validity to his objection to the request of the pastor. Although he did not agree with the pastor, I would honor the request of the pastor, since the pastor is not asking the church to do anything that goes against God’s word. “We are committed to include all in fellowship who seek to know Jesus Christ as Savior and who honor the integrity of Christ between us,” according to Anderson. I would suggest that he not disrespect the head, even if he did not agree.

2. What would be your immediate objective? What would be your longer range objective?

As soon as possible, I would have asked for an audience with the pastor for a one to one meeting without the other elders present to express my concern about the direction of the mission outreach. Confronting the pastor with the other elders around only pushes the pastor into a corner and receive the answer he received. This meeting would be to ask the pastor to meet with the leadership to …show more content…

Going into the community is to show the love for the people. Anderson shares, “In his ministry Jesus united all of these discrete ministries around the primary motivation and core of love.” Love must be the first tool used. Anderson continues, “Ministry is to relate to people as persons. The church is made for people, people are not made for the church (Mark 2:27). Outreach is to love people as persons. Every person in the world has a right to know that a particular individual loves him or her for Jesus’ sake.” While Jesus tells us to go and teach all nations (Matt. 28:19), we need the proper guidance. “We read very little in the New Testament about the power and presence of the Spirit in the church in Jerusalem, where there is no evidence of a strong mission outreach.” (Anderson). Evangelism is important, but it should be taught to the people, rather than expecting them to catch

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