Egyptian And Greek Gods Similarities

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“Myths are, in fact… neither primitive nor untrue. They are, rather, a kind of poetry that helps us make sense of the world and our place in it.”(Stephan H. Furrer) When you think of each culture we can say that the all have equipt its own myth to explain its character or world. Myths show the strength of love and the power of jealousy. Even though the Egyptians and the Greek Pantheon's come from two completely diverse and unique lifestyles they share many similarities . Like the fact that both of these astonishing civilizations , the Greeks and Egyptians , believed in life after death. Both had gods/ goddesses that portrayed an element either of earth or of emotion. Even though the similarities of the two culture are great there are also a lot of differences. …show more content…

While Greek gods are more human like but even though they are different in looks they are similar in prospect! For example Egyptians have a god named Re who is the sun god and creator of man and Zeus is the god of thunder and lighting though he is not the creator of man he is ruler of man. Also Kings or heroes in Egyptian myths are called Pharos though in Greek myths they are referred to as Demi-gods. These beings are often the sons of the creators of gods. Another similarity that is held between the two myths are the goddesses isis and Demeter. Isis is one of the main gods in Egyptian myths same for Demeter in Greek myths. They are similar because they both symbolize how the give life to both the heavens and the

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