Effects Of Social Media On Young Adult Relationships

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The argument essay I wrote was on social media and how it impacts young adult relationships. Social media itself does not impact a young adult relationship in a negative way. Young adult relationships are considered relationships in which the couples age ranges from 18 to 25. Social media has been an important topic of discussion when relationships are involved. Social media is often looked at as the poison to a relationship. I wrote my paper on this topic to show that social media itself is not the poison or “bad” in a relationship. The poison in the relationship is the partner that cannot control their actions and what they do on social media, aren’t faithful, do not want to be in their relationship, or simply do not respect their partner. The problem of social media in young adult relationships does not stem from social networks, it stems from the problems and the people involved in the relationship. My argument essay was effective but could have been a lot more effective had I made better points backed up with more information and more sources. My points were decent …show more content…

The subject stood out to me and is something that is relatable to my life and things I have experienced. Being that the essay is relatable I was able to give insight and personal experience in my paper, which then makes me a credible source on how social media can impact a relationship. With this paper being relatable to my life, it also brought my interest level up when writing. Another reason I chose this subject is because it is a highly discussed subject and prevalent issue in todays’ society. When combining all the new technologies and ways to communicate with immature young adult relationships, it is looked upon as a recipe for disaster… when in fact social media is not the one to blame. For instance, older couples do not have the problem of social media in their

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